Base64 CSS Generator

Base64 CSS Generator will generate base64 encoded data from an image file. This data can then be used in CSS files which saves the browser from having to make additional HTTP requests for the external resources, and can therefore increase page loading speed with less time. Keep in mind that base64 encoding will make the image file larger by approximately 30%, because CSS files are cached by the browser, it might still be faster than loading images each time you visit a new page on your website.

This generator works in IE 9+ and the late versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari & Opera.

~ OR ~

Drop your image here

Web browser support

As of March 2012, Data URIs are supported by the following web browsers:

  • Gecko-based, such as Firefox, SeaMonkey, XeroBank, Camino, Fennec and K-Meleon
  • Konqueror, via KDE's KIO slaves input/output system
  • Opera (including devices such as the Nintendo DSi or Wii)
  • WebKit-based, such as Safari (including iOS), Android's browser, Kindle 4's browser, Epiphany and Midori (WebKit is a derivative of Konqueror's KHTML engine, but Mac OS X does not share the KIO architecture so the implementations are different), and Webkit/Chromium-based, such as Chrome
  • Trident
    • Internet Explorer 9: Internet Explorer 9 does not have 32KB limitation and supports more elements.